"He drew me up from the pit of destruction, out of the miry bog, and set my feet upon a rock, making my steps secure." Psalm 40:2

Just the Essentials

When you live through a short-term emergency, most of your ordinary daily tasks and goals are put on hold. Things get behind, you get through the worst of the emergency, do what you can, and then catch up once things calm down. When you live through a long-term, consuming crisis…

Dusting the blog off?

Seasons change. Repeatedly, perpetually. It’s one of those truths that, once accepted, can comfort you as you ride whatever current wave swells toward you (or, you…

Grace Itself is the Qualifier

“What qualifies you to receive this grace? Nothing. Grace itself is the qualifier.” This soothing truth warms my soul every Sunday as our pastor presents the…

“Annual” Update

Seasons shifted. Again.

I cherish every one.

Old trials persisted. New trials blew in. Some resolved. Some still seem as if they’ll never move out…but I am aware that my perceptions are clouded. God is always in control, always trustworthy, and always knows best.

Autumn is here already

Orange-brown leaves already lie strewn across my driveway and lawn. Our chickens are lovely once again with freshly grown feathers replacing the sparse pins left after…